Curta Calculator - System Curt Herzstark Back 
Curta Mechanical Calculator Type I with case System Curt Herzstark Contina AG Mauren Liechtenstein
The astounding Curta is very famous, and deservedly so, for its extremely compact and pleasing design, as well as its fascinating history.
Here is a blurry video demonstration (Can't see the play button? try refreshing your browser via the F5 key):
The article excerpted below describes the horror that Hertzstark overcame while developing the calculator from a nazi concentration camp during World War II.
The Curta Mechanical Calculator
A pair of Curta demonstration model calculators with containers.
These rare demonstration models were machined to expose the mechanism.
The top is an earlier example, as indicated by the dome-shaped crank handle.
(source ebay
Three angled views of a Curta demonstration model calculator.
(source ebay
Curta calculator Type I with rare leather case (source ebay)
Curta Type II with Instructions, Container, Box and leather case (source ebay)