Ruxton Multivider - Mechanical Pencil & Slide Rule
Ruxton Multivider Mechanical Pencil & Slide Rule Calculator
14k gold filled model circa 1930
Ruxton Multivider Corporation
Graybar Building New York City
The Ruxton multivider cleverly combines a mechanical pencil with a simple slide rule for quick multiplication and division calculations.
Ruxton Multivider Mechanical Pencil & Slide Rule Calculator
Sterling silver filled model (above) with case
14k Gold filled model (below) with cap remved to reveal eraser
For a quick multiplication using the Ruxton Multivider, just slide the arrow over the first multiplicand and the answer appears on the lower scale below the second as shown below, 2 x 3 = 6 "Simplicity itself"

Ruxton Multi-Vider Instruction Booklet Page 1

Ruxton marketing literature December 1929
The Ruxton was available in a variety of colors as shown above.
Ruxton Patent Drawing (GB Patent 325357)
Marketing Letter Ruxton Multivider 1929
Ruxton Advertisement from MIT "The Tech" 1928
White Ruxton 14k Gold Filled Model (source ebay)
Ruxton Multi-Vider Mechanical Pencil Math Pen 1929 (Source ebay)